Category Archives: England

Rupert Murdoch – Friend To Immigrants

This helps explains Fox News’s pro-immigrant slant. A column in the Guardian complains that Britain’s right-wing press doomed Labor in last week’s election: “… the Sun, which – under instructions from its owner, Rupert Murdoch – has been careful to … Continue reading

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The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews Promotes Censorship, Hate Speech Laws, Multi-Culturalism

It is sad to see organized Jewry at the forefront of the struggle to limit speech. Here is its 2015 General Election manifesto: * With the growth of social media, Antisemitism is finding new forms of expression which must be … Continue reading

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Shocking! Brits Don’t Like Strangers

Liam Hoare writes: “One mustn’t exaggerate the problem; British society is largely free of the anti-Semitic virus. But the way the right wing in particular talks about Ed Miliband does come back to an old British malady: our problem with … Continue reading

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Should We Shackle Ourselves To Reality?

Returning to the gold standard is a favorite conspiracy theory among low-achieving Orthodox Jews. Paul Johnson writes in his book Modern Times: The evidence of industrial decay was omnipresent too. After a brief post-war recovery, the fundamental weakness of Britain’s … Continue reading

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Death Comes to Pemberley

Steve Sailer writes: The TV miniseries adaptation of Death Comes to Pemberley isn’t bad. They should have had more scenes of Elizabeth Bennett sparring wittily with the grande dame, but it’s a pretty good Tory worldview TV, in the manner … Continue reading

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