Category Archives: England

The Advantage Of A Written First-Amendment

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Proto-Victorianism starts with John Wesley’s Methodist revival. Methodists were encouraged to stop drinking and whoring, and lead productive, Ned Flanders-ish lives. Young Methodists were often thoroughly embarrassed by their foul-mouthed, hard-drinking grandparents of the Ben … Continue reading

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British lawmakers will soon debate whether to ban Donald Trump from the U.K.

I can’t wait for Donald Trump to be elected president so he can tell these pompous twits to get lost and to pay for their own defense. They’ve been sucking on the American tit for too long. Grow up mates! … Continue reading

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English Vs Irish

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Admittedly the Brits where total shits to the Irish during their histories but what no one ever mentions is the overwhelming disparity in population size when the idea of Catholic and Protestant meant something. Back … Continue reading

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Different Diets Work Differently For Different People

Steve Sailer writes: The existence of human biodiversity shouldn’t be such a startling new insight, but I guess it is. It ought to be obvious by now that different people flourish or decay on different diets. And yet we constantly … Continue reading

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“British pop has sure changed since the 1980s.” (Friend)

From YNET: ‘Allahu Akbar’ is No. 1 song on UK charts Dance track featuring Islamic call skyrockets to top of Spotify’s UK music charts, continuing to spread onto other European charts. The atmosphere in Europe can easily be described as … Continue reading

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