Category Archives: Torah

Torah Talk: Sexual Utopia In Power

Torah Talk resumes today after the Yom Kippur holiday and just before the beginning of the Sukkot festival. Watch live. * Camille Paglia on homosexuality. * I was reading Shalom Aleichem stories over Yom Kippur. In “A Yom Kippur Scandal,” … Continue reading

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Parasha Haazinu (Deut. 32)

Haazinu consists of Deuteronomy Chapter 32 and is read between Rosh Hashanah (which starts Wednesday night) and Yom Kippur. Listen here. * Det. 32:5-6. Moshe calls the Jews a “perverse and twisted generation” and a “vile and unwise people.” Is … Continue reading

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Nitzavim & Vayelech (Deut 29-31)

This week has a double parasha — Nitzavim and Vayelech.

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Parasha Ki Tavo

This week’s Torah portion covers Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8. Listen here. * The eternal lament of my goy cohosts: “I should have been more prepared.” I’m amazed when they simply show up sober. * The Puritans who came to America saw themselves … Continue reading

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Parasha Ki Teitzei

This week’s Torah portion consists of Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19. Listen here and here. * You can take a woman captive and make her your wife, but first you have to let her shave her head and mourn her family for 30 … Continue reading

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