Category Archives: Torah

Does God Improve?

In a 2005 lecture on Deuteronomy 31, Dennis Prager says: “I don’t think there is a text dated anywhere near the text of the Torah that is so egalitarian in its depiction of women. It’s about as unsexist a text. … Continue reading

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This Week’s Parsha With Dr. Kirschbaum From Tikkun Magazine

This week’s Torah portion is Va’etchanan. I discuss it with Mark Kirschbaum.

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The Torah Is Not In Heaven

Here’s the Wikipedia entry. In a 2005 lecture on Deut. 30, Dennis Prager says: “Literally, this teaching is not a wonder. And it’s not far from you.” From Baba Metziah 59:B (in the Talmud): It is taught: On that day … Continue reading

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Pedophilia and the Talmud

Jacob Stein writes: Considering this, how frequent are sexual relations between adult Orthodox Jewish men and little girls, with the blessings of the rabbis? Not very. I know of no Jewish bride in modern times who was under 17. In … Continue reading

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Jews Bear The Brunt Of G-d’s Wrath

In a lecture on Deuteronomy 28, Dennis Prager says: “This is all about punishing the Jews. This is not a punishment of infidels. This is a remarkable aspect of the Hebrew Bible. It is the Jews who bear the brunt … Continue reading

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