Category Archives: Torah

This Week’s Torah Talk

I took a cold shower before the show, as I do every week, and it brought me out of my post-surgery slump. Rabbi Hershel Rabbs Remer: TONIGHT’S SHOW features a full line-up of topics, including: Lusting after Persian chicks, trashing … Continue reading

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Yeshiva Guy Shares A Torah Insight

Hat tip to Frum Follies. Dov Bear. On the Main Line blogs: A YouTube video called Yeshiva guy says over a vort has been making the rounds. Incredibly for our little circles it has 30000+ views in one week. By … Continue reading

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Imagine A Drill Sergeant Is Your Chavruta

I’m going in for surgery on Friday to fix a deviated septum. Watch the whole thing:

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The Torah Hour Of Power

I discuss the weekly Torah portion (parsha) of Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40) with Rabbi Rabbs.

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This Week’s Torah Portion

I discuss the parsha with Rabbi Rabbs Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam. Watch the whole show via Youtube. Please remember to bathe, to put on clean clothes, and to abstain from marital relations for at least 48 … Continue reading

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