Category Archives: Torah

Does Torah Endorse The Maiming Of Sinners?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: The Bible, Judges 1:6, already mentions cutting off the thumbs and large toes of the defeated Canaanite king. R. Moses Isserles, Shulhan Arukh, Hoshen Mishpat 388:10, refers to blinding a moser or cutting out his tongue. … Continue reading

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Torah Believes In Stereotypes

Torah believes in stereotypes (without holding that they define every individual of a group). As I learn Talmud, I learn stereotypes about Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Christians, Cushim, etc. Torah has no problem sketching out how different peoples, including Jews, … Continue reading

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Why Is There No Torah Book Against Racism?

After asking various rabbinic authorities, I’ve learned that none can name a Torah book on racism. Why have none of our great rabbis bothered to write a book on this pressing issue? Why is there no sin of racism in … Continue reading

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A Torah Reason For Taking Alexander Technique Lessons

I use Grammarly’s online grammar check because it is hard to respect yourself if you use bad grammar. And others will think you are an idiot. When I get an email from a stranger that is filled with spelling, punctuation … Continue reading

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Do You Always Need Two Witnesses To Prove A Case In Jewish Law?

When I read this comment on Facebook, it triggered two responses in me: “Have you considered that 2 witnesses is required in order to provide validity to the case. Otherwise anyone can walk into the court and accuse the innocent … Continue reading

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