Category Archives: Torah

Joe* emails: All serious students of Torah learning should have this on their favorites. Go to the halacha shiurim of Rabbi Yisroel Reisman – there are talmud and other shiurs by him as well, and he is of course famous … Continue reading

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Jews Must Live

In Genesis 47:29-30, this past week’s Torah portion and the final Torah portion from the Book of Genesis: “When Jacob’s death drew near, he called his son Joseph and asked him to put his hand under Jacob’s thigh and swear … Continue reading

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The Torah’s Position On Voyeurism

Marc B. Shapiro writes: “I am aware of only two times that a woman (other than one’s wife) can be seen without her clothes. One is the sotah, when her top is removed.[18] R. Judah states that if her breasts … Continue reading

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How Can Jews Live With Dignity In Exile?

Rabbi Eliyahu Safran writes: The Har Nof slaughter is just the latest atrocity in a history of atrocities perpetrated against Jews. The wickedness pressing in around us feels relentless. It is enough to make us seek stronger walls and wider … Continue reading

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Rashi’s Interpretation On Why Avram Told Sarai To Say She Was His Sister, Not Wife

Rashi’s commentary on Genesis 12:11: “I have known for a long time that you are of beautiful appearance, but now we are coming among black and repulsive people who are brothers of the Kushim (Ethiopians) and are unaccustomed to seeing … Continue reading

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