Category Archives: Torah

The Jewish Fear Of Populism

Only about 25% of American Jews voted for Donald Trump. A big part of the reason is that Jews instinctively fear gentile populism and nationalism. Jews have usually been ruled by an elite, and the more traditional you go in … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘Can You Spew Sexism and Homophobia and Still Lead the ‘Most Moral Army in the World’?’

The rabbi has simply said things that are basic Torah. If you condemn his statements, you are condemning Torah. Torah is not the same as western liberalism. These are two different outlooks on life. The Torah is homophobic and sexist … Continue reading

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Chief Sephardi Rabbi Says non-Jews Forbidden From Living in the Land of Israel

This is basic Torah. You might argue the Torah is wrong, but what this rabbi is saying has been the Jewish position for millennia. Every group views itself as the center of the world. Haaretz: Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef argues that … Continue reading

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Benzi Gopstein, head of Lehava, calls to ban Christmas in the Holy Land: ‘Let us remove the vampires before they once again drink our blood.’

This guy doesn’t bother me any more than gentiles who call for their own countries to be free of Jews. The stronger you are in your particular identity, the more likely you are to be hostile to outsiders. That’s how … Continue reading

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David Suissa: Why Trump Makes Us All Dizzy

David Suissa writes: There’s no better feeling in the world than being 100 percent right about something. In a slippery world where everything seems to be debatable — even climate change! — it’s so refreshing to find something that is … Continue reading

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