Category Archives: Torah

This Week’s Parasha: Vayakhel, Exodus 35:1–38:20

This week’s Torah portion is Vayakhel, Exodus 35:1–38:20. Last week’s Torah portion covers Exodus 30:11–34:35. Listen. * Chayenu on Exodus 1: “After Joseph settled his brothers and their families in Goshen, their extraordinary fertility quickly aroused the concern of Pharoah, … Continue reading

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Converts Talk Torah: Parasha Ki Sisa (Exodus 30:11-34:35)

This week’s Torah portion covers Exodus 30:11–34:35. It is the 21st parasha after Simchat Torah. MP3. * The Jews waiting for Moses seemed to have insecure attachment. They got anxious when he didn’t return and they acted out. * God … Continue reading

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Torah Talk: The Book Of Esther

Today is Purim. * Tabletmag: “The three faces of Esther.” Here is an interview of Israeli thinker Yoram Hazony on his book on Esther. * He says that many people find the Old Testament too dark and violent. They avoid … Continue reading

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Torah Talk: Parasha Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20–30:10)

Listen. * This week’s Torah portion according to Wikipedia: “The parashah reports God’s commands to bring olive oil for the lamp, to make sacred garments for the priests, to conduct an ordination ceremony, and to make an incense altar.” * … Continue reading

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Torah Talk: Parasha Terumah (Exodus 25:1–27:19)

This week’s Torah portion is Terumah (gifts). MP3. * Is President Trump doing enough to combat anti-Semitism? Are Jews doing enough to combat anti-Gentilism? * This week’s Torah portion is not immediately compelling but it helps to believe that God … Continue reading

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