Category Archives: Ethics

Whatever Happened To Right And Wrong?

Elliot Resnick writes: In recent decades it has become increasingly popular in Orthodox circles to answer every question by appealing to halacha. Must I inform a cashier that she has undercharged me – what does halacha say? May I attend … Continue reading

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Are Jews Honest In Business?

WASPs are the most honest people I’ve met, closely followed by Mormons, Germans (including German Jews), Japanese and Koreans. Chinese in China strike me as duplicitous in business. Catholics seem to be all over the place. In my life experience, … Continue reading

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Do You Really Want To Become A Better Person?

I remembered how charged up I got about becoming a better person when I started listening to Dennis Prager on the radio in the fall of 1988. It’s been tough. My progress in this department has been spotty if at … Continue reading

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Young Secular Americans Struggle To Think Morally

Dennis Prager writes: Last week, David Brooks of The New York Times wrote a column on an academic study concerning the nearly complete lack of a moral vocabulary among most American young people. Below are some excerpts from Brooks’ summary … Continue reading

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Self-Control in an Age of Excess By Daniel Akst

This book sounds like a great idea that is shoddily executed. The New York Times says: Mr. Akst’s attempt to touch on the whole web of influences on human behavior, however, leads him frequently to veer off the central subject … Continue reading

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