Category Archives: John Edwards

Why Is The MSM Ignoring The John Edwards Love Child Story?

Mickey Kaus blogs: Edwards, Rielle Hunter, Busted: HuffPo ‘s Sam Stein, who got the story rolling, appears to be vindicated. … P.S.: Always trust content from kausfiles! Never trust content from Jerome Armstrong. … P.P.S.: Will this be the first … Continue reading

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How Did The National Enquirer Scoop Everybody On The John Edwards Love Child Story?

From death by thousand paper cuts: How did the supermarket checkout staple, The National Enquirer, scoop the combined forces of CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox News, Time Magazine, Newsweek, USA Today, New York Times and the rest of the mainstream … Continue reading

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Senator John Edwards Meets With His Mistress And Love Child At The Beverly Hilton

From the National Enquirer: Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards was caught visiting his mistress and secret love child at 2:40 this morning in a Los Angeles hotel by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER. The married ex-senator from North Carolina – whose … Continue reading

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For This, The MSM Ignored The Rielle Hunter Story?

More on the John Edwards – Rielle Hunter story here. Mickey Kaus writes: We Ignored the Rielle Hunter Scandal and All We Got Was This Lousy Op-Ed! Elizabeth Edwards has a bushelful of chutzpah chastising the mainstream campaign press for … Continue reading

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