Category Archives: John Edwards

The Sickening John Edwards Story

From the UK: Ken Layne, editor of the Washington DC gossip site, argues on AOL’s Political Machine that what he calls "the respectable press" is avoiding the Edwards story not just because the "unseemly" National Enquirer is the main … Continue reading

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Rielle Hunter Negotiating For A Major Network Interview?

From RadarOnline: Hunter has been receiving $15,000 a month in hush money from a "wealthy colleague" of Edwards who is closely tied to his campaign. Oh, and about the alleged baby (well, Edwards’ alleged baby; we’re pretty sure she’s a … Continue reading

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The John Edwards News Blackout

From a blog: Robert (Bob) Wilson is a retired North Carolina journalist. For many years he was editorial page editor of the Durham Herald Sun when it was one of the Tar Heel State’s most respected newspapers. He speaks out … Continue reading

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More Layoffs, Please XVIII

Mickey Kaus writes: The Enquirer has indeed already moved on to the Edwards "coverup." Their latest issue alleges: John Edwards’ mistress, Rielle Hunter – the mother of his "love child" – has been secretly receiv­ing $15,000 a month as part … Continue reading

Posted in Adultery, John Edwards, Los Angeles Times, Mickey Kaus | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on More Layoffs, Please XVIII

Obama’s VP List Gets Shorter

From the Charlotte Observer: Or, as an Opinion blog on the L.A. Times web site said Wednesday, “Barack Obama’s VP shortlist might have gotten shorter.” Don Fowler of Columbia, a former Democratic National Chairman, agreed. "Any kind of report like … Continue reading

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