Category Archives: John Edwards

Five Angles For The MSM On Edwards/Hunter

Bill Wyman writes: I can think now of five separate angles the mainstream news outlets are missing with the John Edwards/Rielle Hunter scandal story. In other words, by not writing about the charges originally—airing them out and letting their audience … Continue reading

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No Wonder Newspapers Are Dying

Tom Bernis writes: LONDON (MarketWatch) — The scandal over former Sen. John Edwards’ alleged fathering of a love child is rapidly being surpassed by a greater travesty — not one single major media organization in the U.S is covering the … Continue reading

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John Edwards With Love Child

From the National Enquirer: The NATIONAL ENQUIRER is releasing the photograph that the world has been waiting for – the first-ever picture of John Edwards and his love child!   The stunning “spy photo” shows the former presidential contender holding … Continue reading

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Why Write About The John Edwards Scandal?

Mickey Kaus blogs: Here’s a short clip-‘n’-save response to those (including many friends) who argue the Edwards scandal shouldn’t be pursued–or at least pursued too vigorously– even if it is true:** 1. No"private citizen": Edwards was certainly a contender for … Continue reading

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Mid-Level Players In MSM Touch John Edwards Love Child Story

Mickey Kaus writes: Rebellious nibbling from mid-rank players who are harder to coopt than the New York and Washington elites: North Carolina News & Oberver : "Facing Questions, Edwards Evades Reporters" … On Wednesday, Edwards apparently ducked out a side … Continue reading

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