Category Archives: Hasidim

The New Yorker Exposes Hasidic Judaism

This article by Rachel Aviv makes Jews look bad. It embodies many of the themes of anti-Semites such as perversion, dishonesty and corruption. Here’s the opening sentence: “Sam Kellner’s reputation in the Hasidic community of Borough Park, Brooklyn, began to … Continue reading

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The Rebbe Vs The Organized Jewish Community

I sometimes think, and here I must gulp before I can summon the courage to express my shameful thought, and I am sure I must be wrong here and I should not even say this out loud, but between you … Continue reading

Posted in Agudath Israel, Chabad, Haredi, Hasidim, Jews, Orthodox Union | Comments Off on The Rebbe Vs The Organized Jewish Community

Jews, Asians, Goyim & Schvartzes

Williamsburg. A Satmar drives up to a ba’al teshuva baker with his delivery truck filled with baked goods and tells the man, “Get your schvartze to unload my truck.” The ba’al teshuva took great offense at the term “schvartze”, pointing … Continue reading

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Is Call of the Shofar Compatible With Judaism?

Shmuel Pollen, a resident of Morristown who participated in and even led “Call of the Shofar” workshops, reveals what shook him out of the “influence.” So why the radical change of heart? It occurred this past Shabbos, when I was … Continue reading

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If You Own A Dance Club, Should You Put A Mezuzah On The Door?

Rob Abner blogs: “Another time a Hasidic Jew came into the club and asked me if there was a private room. I told him there were private rooms for lap dances. He said, no, he needed a private room to … Continue reading

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