Category Archives: Los Angeles

Los Angeles Jewish Mother/Daughter Killed In Car Crash In Israel

From Haaretz: Devorah Levenberg and her daughter Aliza, 2, were not wearing seat belts when the car in which they were traveling crashed head-on into another vehicle. The Levenbergs – Devorah, her husband Moshe, and Aliza – hitched a ride … Continue reading

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Live For Sdorot

Joe emails: Luke! what is up man I can’t believe you missed the ‘Live for Sderot‘ benefit last night! It was truly an amazing production.I was so excited and wired after I could hardly sleep when i got home finally … Continue reading

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Bruce Nadler, Nip/Tuck Workout Author, Dead at 61

Kate Coe writes Feb. 6, 2008: In a true-life Nip/Tuck episode, Bruce and Terri Nadler were found dead of gunshot wounds in an apparent murder/suicide, earlier this week. The bodybuilding boards are all abuzz. Dr. Nadler had been a noted … Continue reading

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Murder/Suicide On LA’s ‘Holiest Street’

The LAT reports: "Park La Brea: A white man and a white woman, approximately in their 60s, were found dead inside their home at 200 S. Detroit St. in the Park La Brea area at about 11:23 a.m. Saturday, Feb. … Continue reading

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I Wasn’t Weird At LimmudLA

Pico/Robertson: Saturday night. Pouring rain. Video I get a taste of LimmudLA and it left me hungry for more. LimmudLA is a weekend of Jewish learning. I want to go but it costs $500 bucks and I don’t have a … Continue reading

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