Category Archives: Los Angeles

Murder For Hire

From The Independent Of Santa Barbara: Eugene Temkin, 50, not only apparently decided he wanted Michael Hershman — a Los Angeles-area resident to whom Temkin loaned money several years ago — dead, but had also come up with a variety … Continue reading

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The RCC Vs. Rabbi Bukspan

In February 1997, attorney Baruch Cohen drafted a letter on behalf of Rabbi Yehuda Bukspan asking for a suspension of the RCC‘s campaign to destroy the rabbi. One of the signatories sent me this petition. I asked Baruch Cohen for … Continue reading

Posted in Los Angeles, R. Avrohom Union, R. Gershon Bess, R. Yehuda Bukspan, R. Yosef Kanefsky, RCC | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The RCC Vs. Rabbi Bukspan

The Most Prestigious Shabbos Invites In Hancock Park, Valley Village

I need some help with this one. * Rabbi Gershon Bess * Rabbi Avrohom Union * Rabbi Daniel Korobkin * Rabbi Yitzhok Adlerstein * David Rubin * Baruch Cohen * Yehuda Faigin * Barry Weiss * Chaim Manela * … Continue reading

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Chandler Convalescent Hospital

I hope I don’t end up in a nursing home. I hope I don’t end up at Chandler Convalescent Hospital (5335 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91607). rates it one star out of five and says its quality … Continue reading

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The Young Shul

Email: “Hello, I really like your blog, especially your review of synagogues. I too am a convert to Judaism… I was wondering if you would recommend a few synagogues (preferably Conservative or Reform) with a good community and younger membership … Continue reading

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