Category Archives: Los Angeles

The News Is What Bureaucracies Report

If you can’t base your news on a bureaucratic report, you’re swimming outside the normal news business (because you can’t normally get sued for reporting what a bureaucracy reports). I’m reading Paul Pringle’s 2022 book (Bad City: Peril and Power … Continue reading

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Back In The USA

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Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now?

I’m thinking about moving to Sydney. If my growth in Orthodox Judaism is my number one priority, then there is no question I should stay in LA. The Los Angeles Orthodox Jewish community is about 30 times the size of … Continue reading

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‘Tears: Man’s, G-d’s & The Angel’s’

“All professions strive to maximize the range of their legitimate authority.” (Allan V. Horwitz) “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Unknown) Rabbi Holland grew up in Lakewood and moved to … Continue reading

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Everything Now: Lessons From the City-State of Los Angeles

Here are some highlights from this 2021 book: * In 1921, John Steven McGroarty, a poet who later became a congressman, wrote, “Los Angeles is the most celebrated of all incubators of new creeds, codes of ethics, philosophies—no day passes … Continue reading

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