Category Archives: Los Angeles

Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West

I’m loving Rabbi Einhorn’s 14-part lecture series on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles. What is his point of view? He says early on in lecture one: “In Los Angeles, it was a collaboration of multiple people, different … Continue reading

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Bling Vs Chevies

At this law office in the public sector in Los Angeles, all the blinged out black secretaries drive BMWs, Mercedes, etc, and the white lawyers drive Chevies. These black secretaries typically do very little work and get all grumpy when … Continue reading

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Why So Many Broken Traffic Lights In LA?

Daniel writes: Does anyone know why there are so many broken traffic lights throughout Los Angeles? Is it just a coincidence that this happened around Sept. 11? Did this happen in other cities in the US? Could it be a … Continue reading

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LA’s War On Drivers

LA closed Olympic Blvd to one lane in each direction (west of the 405) today, a weekday, gives no advanced notice, and whenever you see these workers, nine out of ten of them are just standing around doing nothing. Why … Continue reading

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Why Is Los Angeles Falling Apart?

Every day, Los Angeles seems more like Mexico. Every day, Los Angeles seems more like a second-world city, with large parts of it resembling the third world. Los Angeles used to be (as late as 1960) the most Anglo-Saxon big … Continue reading

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