Category Archives: Los Angeles

It’s Important To Invest In The Coming Latino Majority

The Los Angeles Daily News reports Mar. 31, 2015: While their growth has slowed in recent decades, Latinos will likely be the majority in Los Angeles County by 2020, experts say. And since 2001, more than 60 percent of babies … Continue reading

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When The Israelites Were Strong In The Land

In this morning’s daf yomi (page of Talmud), I learned there’s a Mishna that when a woman is taken captive during a time that the hand of Israel is strong in the land, she is not presumed to be raped, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer writes: Houston is extremely flat, but has a lot of big trees, an impressive skyline, nice clouds, and fine sunsets. San Francisco is obviously unique, but Houston outpointed Los Angeles in the late 1970s on trees, skyline, clouds, … Continue reading

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Is Judaism The Reason Jews Are Creative?

In his second lecture on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn says: “Los Angeles is being shaped by people running from orthodoxy, fighting over their orthodoxy, hiding their orthodoxy, being creative because of their Judaism, … Continue reading

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The First Hasidic Rebbe To Visit Los Angeles Was The Baal HaTanya’s Grandson

I get more joy listening to these Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn lectures on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles than I get out of watching the baseball playoffs. In lecture one, the rabbi says: “I found a poster while … Continue reading

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