Category Archives: Corona Virus

Corona Comments

From comments to Steve Sailer’s blog: * This morning’s story about Bronx Zoo tigers catching the WuFlu is certainly aimed at maintaining peak public anxiety. * Japanese television programs are now being produced by dramatically reduced skeleton staff, as few … Continue reading

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How Long To Shut Down? (3-26-20)

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The 6-D model of national culture (3-25-20)

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Corona Streams

How many people have checked on you over the past week to inquire about your welfare? If less than six, you strike me as isolated and hence in peril. If more than a dozen, then you are in good shape.

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How Will The Corona Virus Change The Course Of Western Civilization? (3-15-20)

Buddy says: Dissident right politics just made me want to die, because it taught me that I was just living in the downfall of the western world, that the future held nothing but reloading the Drudge report and watching daily … Continue reading

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