Category Archives: Corona Virus

Covid & Culture

William Lind writes April 26: In most cultures, including Hispanic culture, you owe nothing to anyone who is not a member of your family, clan, or tribe, in that order of importance. The public realm is simply a combined dump … Continue reading

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The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History

Here are some highlights from this 2005 book: * NOTHING COULD HAVE STOPPED the sweep of influenza through either the United States or the rest of the world – but ruthless intervention and quarantines might have interrupted its progress and … Continue reading

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There Is No Inner Party (Bob Iger Version)

Steve Sailer writes: There is no Inner Party who can explain how the world really works, like at the end of 1984 and Brave New World. Nobody knows anything. Conspiracy theorists have much too high an estimation of the capabilities … Continue reading

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Trump’s Platform For 2020 – Protectionism (4-7-20)

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A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War (4-5-20)

00:00 Peloponnesian War 22:00 The Real Coronavirus Chronology Shows Trump Was On Top Of It While Biden Was Mocking The Danger 33:30 NYT: The Rising Heroes of the Coronavirus Era? Nations’ Top Scientists 47:30 NYT: How New Jersey’s First Coronavirus … Continue reading

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