Category Archives: Alt Right

6 Media Pillars Of The Alt-Right

Comments at * Breitbart is not alt-right because it does not accept race as being of any importance. Increasingly, Breitbart is noticing race, but it still cannot see it or understand it outside of the moral-framework which the left … Continue reading

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The Jewish Newspaper Forward Has Run About A Dozen Articles On The Alt Right In The Past Month

Here are some comments on its website for an article on Paul Gottfried: * I suspect the message of the Alt Right upsets a lot of people because it invokes what terror management theorists in psychology call “mortality salience,” namely, … Continue reading

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How David Duke Paved the Way for the “Alt-Right” — and Donald Trump

Ari Feldman writes for the Forward: The alt-right may bill itself as something new, but its roots are in the white supremacist politicians of the late 20th century. The movement embraces much of the racism and xenophobia of this elder … Continue reading

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Jews, Nationalism and the Alt-Right

I’ve been writing on this subject since 1998 when Reggie White got in trouble for remarking on group differences. Around the same time, I read The Bell Curve which made it obvious what I had always suspected — different races … Continue reading

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Op/Ed: Quit Your Liberal Condescension Toward Jews Who Love Trump As a Jewish immigrant from the Former Soviet Union whose family came to the United States in 1980, I’ve been dismayed to see so many liberals looking down their noses at Russian Jews who support Republican presidential nominee Donald … Continue reading

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