Category Archives: Alt Right

Jewish author claims to be part of the alt-right, advocates ‘cultural nationalism’

From Red Ice: The alt-right has gone mainstream. This isn’t to imply that the masses are all reading Radix Journal and listening to Red Ice, of course. Rather, the recent media frenzy over the alt-right has ensured that even the … Continue reading

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Can The ‘Alt-Right’ Distance Itself From Neo-Nazis?

Ari Feldman writes for the “As a white supremacist movement, it seems to have a fairly large following among millennials.” How is the Alt-Right any more supremacist than Judaism, which holds that the Jews are God’s Chosen People? “Yet … Continue reading

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What Does The Alt-Right Want?


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JTA: ‘Anti-immigrant and white supremacist, maybe. But is the alt-right anti-Semitic?’

“Anti-Semitic” is just a slur. “Racist” and “bigot” are just slurs. These words have no objective meaning. There are only two logical forms of arguments — contesting facts and logic. Every other debating tactic is not honorable. The Alt-Right is … Continue reading

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The Alt Right Means White Nationalism & Anti-Semitism. . . or Nothing at All

When people come out and say they are anti-Semitic, that does not mean they necessarily want to kill Jews, any more than supporters of the Jewish state of Israel automatically want to kill Arabs. If preserving the Jewish state requires … Continue reading

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