Category Archives: Alt Right

The Specter of the ‘Alt-Right’

From the Chronicle of Higher Education: It began, as many instances of sliming do, with curiosity, following Hillary Clinton’s August 25 speech denouncing Donald Trump’s ties to the so-called alt-right movement. Living as I do in a bubble, I had … Continue reading

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Conservatism Failed

Vox Day writes: I don’t know who “Publius Decius Mus” is, except in the Samnite War sense, but this is the best article I have ever read at the Claremont Institute. It very clearly makes the case for the need … Continue reading

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The Alt-right Is Political Punk Rock

Steve Sailer writes: … Hillary’s recent speech denouncing the alt-right has raised eyebrows. It was as if in 1976 progressive-rock titans Emerson, Lake & Palmer had released a double album devoted to excoriating this new band nobody had ever heard … Continue reading

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An Alt-Right Jew Wakes Up About The Alt-Right Not Liking Jews

Cathy Young writes: Lauren Southern, a Canadian university student, freelance journalist and activist, discovered cultural libertarianism due to her frustration with the illiberal mindset of modern progressivism and feminism. Drawn into alt-right circles, Southern, now 21, initially assumed that the … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Alt-Right Brain

From the New York Times Editorial Board: The term was coined in 2008 by Richard Spencer, a white supremacist whose National Policy Institute says it is “dedicated to the heritage, identity and future of people of European descent in the … Continue reading

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