Category Archives: Alt Right

The Alt Right Eyes Its Future And Preps To Professionalize Post-Trump

From TPM: In a cramped, carpeted ballroom at the Willard Hotel in downtown Washington, the rebranded “alt right” movement took a victory lap Friday and looked optimistically toward their future as a growing movement in the United States. The press … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Is An Instinctive Reaction

The left-wing point of view is also instinctive and biological and rooted in imprinting. Genes and imprinting and geography and culture create our decisions (and free will if you believe in that). I think people on the right have a … Continue reading

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24 Types Of Anti-White

Source. COMMENTS: * I’m always amazed at the notion that the demographic with the lowest measured average intelligence, educational, financial and career attainment at the same time has a deep and abiding grasp of history and politics that dictates their … Continue reading

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How Jews Created American Modernism

Andrew Romano writes in 2014: What every fan of modernism may not know is that all of these designers were Jewish. A smart, handsome new exhibition at San Francisco’s Contemporary Jewish Museum called Designing Home: Jews and Midcentury Modernism seeks … Continue reading

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Forward: “Is Donald Trump’s Endorsement by 88 Retired Generals a Secret Neo-Nazi Code?”

Steve Sailer writes: Do you ever get the impression that the Establishment is undergoing a nervous breakdown? By the way, if we’re going to wander off into Minister Farrakhan-style numerological fever swamps, the number 88 means a lot more to … Continue reading

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