Category Archives: Alt Right

Hillary Warns The World About Pepe

Steve Sailer writes: From, the campaign’s official website: Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize. September 12, 2016 by Elizabeth Chan Over the weekend, Donald Trump’s … Continue reading

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What Unites The Alt Right Is Resistance To Lies

John Derbyshire writes: Three weeks ago, I floated the word “Clintocalypse” to describe how the end of the world as we know it would follow a victory for Mrs. Clinton. Other opinionators were having the same thought. The one who’s … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Drawn To The Alt-Right

In this recent interview, white nationalist Greg Johnson says: “I had a dinner recently with some new young people who have come into it in the past two years and some people who’ve been around for decades. The contrast could … Continue reading

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The ‘Intellectual Godfather’ Of The Alt Right Talks To The Daily Caller

I am pleasantly surprised by how fair the Daily Caller has been to the Alt-Right. Its owner, Tucker Carlson, is the most woke of conservative pundits. REPORT: One of the white nationalists featured in a Hillary Clinton attack ad on … Continue reading

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When Did The Right Wing Love For Julian Assange Start?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * When he started mass-leaking DNC e-mails. Being persecuted by the left-wing Swedish government for “raping” a woman who let him sleep over the next few days and went out to parties with him afterward helped … Continue reading

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