Category Archives: Alt Right

Comment Section Eviscerates Economist Editorial Against Alt-Right

Comments at * “Their numbers are hard to gauge, since they mostly operate online and, as with most internet bullies, anonymously…” Kind of like the writers of The Economist….. Or am I missing something here? * Thanks for letting … Continue reading

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The Clintons As A Case Study

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The Clintons are going to be a topic of study long into the future. They are an interesting tag-team. Bill is an over-sexed playboy, while she is a frigid lesbian. Bill’s scandals are always about … Continue reading

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Media Matters: Trump Campaign Accepts Donations From White Nationalist Leaders

I wonder how many people will read Media Matters and think, those Counter-Currents guys sound interesting. I’ll check them out. The George Soros funded Media Matters reports: The campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump accepted donations from Michael Polignano and … Continue reading

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Trump and the Alt-Right: Pepe and the stormtroopers

Steve Sailer writes: “Do you ever get the feeling the Establishment is suffering a collective nervous breakdown as its projections about “rantings” and “hateful” become every more obvious?” Comments at Steve Sailer: * This article or editorial or whatever you … Continue reading

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Bloomberg Profiles Milo

LINK: He inputs all of his friends into a spreadsheet, with columns for attractiveness, intelligence, income, and politics (listed either “pass” or “fail”). One column lists whether he should hold, long, or short them, like stocks. Many of the people … Continue reading

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