Category Archives: Alt Right

Why Donald Trump Won Last Night’s Debate

From the Forward: Joshua Seidel is a Trump supporter and a Jew on the alt right. Right from the start Trump was aggressive and focused on Clinton’s documented shortcomings. His strategy was a smart one: keep the attacks coming while … Continue reading

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WP: ‘These charts show exactly how racist and radical the alt-right has gotten this year’

Jews who hate gentiles are more likely to strongly identify as Jewish than Jews who don’t hate gentiles. Blacks who hate whites are more likely to strongly identify as black than blacks who don’t hate whites. Whites who hates Jews … Continue reading

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The Debate – Open Thread

Comments at Steve Sailer: * For Hillary, it all began on September 5th with a 4-minute coughing jag and ended on September 11th with a complete collapse in the gutter of a city street : she was then thrown into … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Clinton Sent “Mothers of the Movement” to Campaign Against Police in Charlotte Hours Before Riots Broke Out

Comments: * Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; Maria Hamilton, mother of Dontre Hamilton; and Geneva Reed-Veal, mother of Sandra Bland Yeah it’s interesting to note how the last names of the mothers don’t match up with the kids. Like … Continue reading

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Trump Ad Winks At Alt-Right

Chateau: “Let’s face it, popularizing a cute frog as the avatar of unauthorized crimethink was a brilliant marketing coup. At once serving as a potent, open air symbol of resistance to the equalist leftoid hivemind while sabotaging the enemy leftoid … Continue reading

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