Category Archives: Alt Right

What Alt-Right Activists Can Do When Doxed By The Politically Correct Left

From the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas: The most noteworthy battlefield upon which livelihoods and personal relationships are savaged by the arbiters of political correctness is the World Wide Web, and doxing is the nuclear bomb within the arsenal … Continue reading

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White Zionism

Maybe I should let them know that it would benefit them to know a man in the alt-right. Just in case this diversity thing does not work out Maybe they have already figured that out. “This Luke, he can move … Continue reading

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Alt-Right Vs Alt-West

Vladimir emails: 1. Twitter. You mentioned recently that you thought that blogs were no longer fashionable but that Twitter is the way forward. FYI, most of my acquaintances, 20,30,40 something hipsters and artsy-fartsy pseudo intellectuals, DESPISE twitter. Its even more … Continue reading

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An Alt-Zionism Take On The First Debate

Ari Ben Canaan blogs: 3) “Race determines where people live, and race determines what kind of education people can get” – Hillary ‘Jared Taylor’ Clinton While it remains taboo to explicitly refer to black educational failure, self-segregation and criminality as … Continue reading

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Brett Stevens writes: …on the Right there is often talk about “Zionism” as being a horrible evil which intends to take over the world, forgetting that Zionism is an assertion of Nationalism—the idea that Jews need their own state, and … Continue reading

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