Category Archives: Alt Right

Forward: Inauguration ‘Deploraball’ Split Over Anti-Semitic Donald Trump Backers in ‘Alt-Right’

Trump-supporting ethno-nationalists and civic nationalists keep fighting with each other while the Left must cheer the personal destruction. The Forward has devoted more articles and more resources to the Alt Right than any other Jewish publication. They’ve done a ton … Continue reading

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Jews Should Be Fighting the Far Left, Not the ‘Alt-Right’

Joshua Seidel writes for the Forward: Liberal Journalists have had a tough couple of months. Liberal Jewish journalists? Even tougher. Nothing seemed to work this year. Trump was the worst person ever to run for President, they said. The mainstream … Continue reading

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The Alt Right & The Jews – A Dialogue With Joshua Seidel

Joshua Seidel writes: It’s time for liberal Jews to stop. We know you are angry that you lost. We know you don’t like Trump, but claiming that America has become anti-Semitic, or that it’s not a friendly country for Jews, … Continue reading

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The Jewish Alternative: A Manifesto

Reactionary Jew posts: A third goal of ours is to change the paradigm of US-Israel foreign relations. This means working towards weakening or reforming international globalist institutions like the UN, which by their very nature tend to act against the … Continue reading

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James Kirchick: ‘SHONDA: The Jews Begging to Join the Alt-Right: Talk about self-hating. Meet the American Jews lining up to shout ‘Seig Heil’ and ‘Hail, Donald.’’

Jamie Kirchick writes for The Daily Beast: “We insist on joining the club that refuses to have us as members” might as well be the mantra of some aspiring Jewish adherents of the racist “alt-right.” There are only two honorable … Continue reading

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