Category Archives: Alt Right

Greg Johnson Stands By Mike Enoch

Just as some Jews are paranoid that some Jews are really goyim, so too many goyim are paranoid that some goyim are really Jews. Both sides are equally prone to virtue signalling and purity spiraling. Acclaim in each group usually … Continue reading

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Radix: The Jewish Question (And Some Answers)

In the aftermath of the Mike Enoch fiasco, Andrew Joyce writes: The following is an interview I recently conducted with ‘Reactionary Jew’ and ‘The Rebbe,’ two Twitter figures from a small grouping known as the Jewish ‘Alt-Right,’ or ‘Jewish Alternative.’ … Continue reading

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Somewhere on the Upper East Side, a Jewish Woman Has a Neo-Nazi Husband

Forward: News broke over the weekend that a prominent neo-Nazi troll going by the name Mike Enoch was not a disgruntled grassroots white supremacist coming out of a part of the country with few Jews and a vivid imagination about … Continue reading

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Neo-Nazi media outlet collapses after fellow racists discover the founder’s wife is Jewish

Raw Story: Several members of the white nationalist movement are despondent after learning that one of their leaders is actually married to a Jewish woman. As Salon reports, neo-Nazi icon Mike Enoch — the pseudonym used by the man who … Continue reading

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Leading Internet Neo-Nazi Revealed to Secretly Have a Jewish Wife

From Mediaite: The leader and founder of prominent Neo-Nazi blog The Right Stuff and the podcast “The Daily Shoah” (yes, really) was recently doxxed and reportedly revealed to have a Jewish wife. Online he has always gone by the name … Continue reading

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