Category Archives: Alt Right

How National Review Helped Build the Alt-Right

From Slate: Early in November, just a few days before the election, a gathering of white nationalists, heterodox academics, libertarians, and other misfits of the right convened in Baltimore. The H.L. Mencken Club was meeting for its ninth annual conference—a … Continue reading

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The Rise Of Christian Kinism

The New Republic is not happy: For alt-right Christians, Russell Moore is the embodiment of where the religious right went wrong—by refusing to openly embrace racism. Throughout his youth, Griffin says, he felt alienated by Christians like Moore who were … Continue reading

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Jenna Jameson’s Shocking Alt-Right Transformation

Aurora Snow writes: Jenna Jameson is once again the talk of the porn industry. An icon with close to 200 adult films under her belt, Jameson is still idolized by many women getting their start in the biz. But there … Continue reading

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The Taming Of The Daily Shoah

Background on the Mike Enoch doxxing. Comments on the recent episode with Greg Johnson: * …the Shoah has become tamer since the doxxing. Doxxing can be a force for good when it countervails the self-defeating extremism that anonymity on the … Continue reading

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Torah Talk: Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16)

This week’s Torah portion is Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16). Listen. * Recap: Joseph designs a plan where the world has to turn over its gold to Egypt survive a long famine, and now with all the world’s gold in Egypt, the … Continue reading

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