Category Archives: Alt Right

Saturday In Charlottsville

Paul Gottfried writes: First of all, I find no heroes emerging from these events. The police showed no ability or perhaps no willingness to keep the two sides separated; and when they met it was inevitable that these armed partisans … Continue reading

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Random Thoughts On Charlottsville

* The news coverage of the Charlottsville rally showed zero criticism of violent communists. * The news coverage of Charlottsville this weekend showed zero empathy for whites who want to preserve their heritage. Zero. Two hate-groups fight each other in … Continue reading

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President Trump Argues Over Charlottesville, Race Relations in Heated Press Conference | NBC News

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Trump was spot on. That was a beautiful press conference. I love that he gave those media thugs a piece of his mind. Our mainstream journalists have not one shred of credibility left, they are … Continue reading

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Harpers: ‘The Rise of the Valkyries: In the alt-right, women are the future, and the problem’

The piece is by Seyward Darby, who’s cute, smart and accomplished. A motley coalition of online provocateurs, the alt-right opposes political correctness and multiculturalism. Many of its supporters rhapsodize about the eventual creation of white ethnostates in Europe and North … Continue reading

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The Future For The Right

Reader posts: As the percentage of the non-white vote grows at each election cycle both in the US and in the UK, and as boomers die off and more and more millennials become eligible to vote each year, how long … Continue reading

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