Category Archives: Alt Right

Alt-Right Jew: Charlottesville Was A Wake-Up Call

Alt Right Jew Joshua Seidel writes: Even after Charlottesville, I still don’t know what to think of Richard Spencer. It’s Saturday night and I’m watching him compare his movement to Zionism on Israeli TV. He’s wearing a nice shirt and … Continue reading

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The Right After Charlottesville

The Alt Right disaster last weekend reminds me of Hitler’s failed 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Who knows what’s coming next. Greg Johnson said last Thursday, Aug. 17, to Vox Day: “National socialism today is a perverse self-marginalizing self-defeating tendency. It’s … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘What White Nationalism Gets Right About American History’

R. Derek Black (son of Stormfront founder Don Black) writes in the New York Times: While we all know that Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence, which declared that “all men are created equal,” his writings also … Continue reading

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Vox Day vs Greg Johnson LIVE DEBATE: Are Nazis Alt Right?

Vox: “Anyone who is more concerned with their symbols and ideology rather than the survival of the white race, the European nations and Western Civilization, is not an asset.” “National Socialism is a horrifically rhetorical weak point who can be … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘For Jewish Americans, echoes of the Holocaust and anger over Trump’s response to Charlottesville’

Remind me – how many millions of people were slaughtered on Saturday in Charlottsville? Los Angeles Times: “There are no good Nazis and no good members of the [Ku Klux] Klan,” the Republican Jewish Coalition said in a statement. “We … Continue reading

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