Category Archives: Alt Right

Making Sense of the Alt Right by George Hawley

Here are selections from this superb new book: * Given everything that occurred in 2016, most observers can be forgiven for failing to note one additional bizarre moment when, in late August, Clinton experienced one of the weirdest examples of … Continue reading

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Making Sense Of The Alt Right

Weekly Standard: “The alt-right may not be who you think they are, according to George Hawley: “The notion that youthful rebellion necessarily leads young people to the left is an additional blind spot in mainstream thinking. To begin with, it … Continue reading

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Jewish Hebdo

I don’t see much significance to this accomplishment: “Asked to name highlights of his tenure, Eshman pointed to two. In 2015, Islamic terrorists in Paris massacred the staff at Charlie Hebdo magazine for printing cartoons they found offensive. The Journal … Continue reading

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Anti-Immigration As Politics

Comments at Steve Sailer: * And a popular alt-right argument says that, anti-immigration or anti-diversity views will always be frustrated in a democracy because … There is a majority constituted of (1) a minority of male deep cucks, plus (2) … Continue reading

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You Can Only Debate Within The Tribe

Vincent Law writes: “There has to be a common framework of symbols, of shared meanings or past historical experience to rely on. People have to have a shared conception of who/what they are to begin any meaningful debate over the … Continue reading

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