Category Archives: Alt Right

Alt Right Jews

The Z Blog posts: Anyone who has engaged with Orthodox Jews knows they regard Liberal Jews with a high degree of hostility. They are not as bad as the Hasidim, but they view Reformed Jews as fakers, getting the benefits … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t There Great Jewish Minds Debunking The Alt Right?

The truth about Jews and non-Jews has to be somewhere in between the critics and the advocates. The Alt Right can’t be 100% correct. The Jewish establishment can’t be 100% correct either. I know Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, Andrew Joyce, … Continue reading

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‘Here’s How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream’

* Buzzfeed doesn’t get it. The reason Richard Spencer Seig Heiled Milo was because he despises Milo, not because they are comrades. Spencer despises Milo for being gay, Jewish and degenerate. At the time, Spencer was fighting with Milo for … Continue reading

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New Yorker: ‘Birth of a White Supremacist – Mike Enoch’s transformation from leftist contrarian to nationalist shock jock’

I have many Jewish friends who find gentile nationalisms, particularly white nationalism, terrifying. Nationalism means that you are devoted to your people. Jews are devoted to their people. Why shouldn’t goyim be devoted to their people? To me, it’s not … Continue reading

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Judaism, Homosexuality & The Alt Right

We discuss Andrew Joyce’s three essays on the Alt Right & homosexuality. Listen here. My cohosts are Dennis Dale and Casey the Classicist. * The Messiah Will Purify Jewish Bloodlines. * We discuss Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (14 July … Continue reading

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