Category Archives: Alt Right

Is This Jewish Doctor Secretly A White Nationalist?

From the Forward: Jewish doctor at a New York City hospital has been “placed off duty” after an article posted online Monday claimed that he was Facebook friends with white supremacists and had frequently commented on some of the web’s … Continue reading

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I have resigned from NPI and . I remain totally committed to fighting for the rights of our people. More to come… — Gregory Conte (@Real_Greg_Conte) August 14, 2018 Richard Spencer says August 29, 2018 on JF Gariepy’s … Continue reading

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Tisha B’Av Edition – Parashat Va’etchannan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) 7-23-18

Listen here. * I can see many tendencies between the Jews of the Torah and the Jews of today. For example, Moses is not all stiff upper lip like a WASP. This parasha begins with him imploring God and in … Continue reading

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Helsinki, The World Cup & Toxic Femininity (7-16-18)

* From VDARE: Populists Aren’t Organizing. Is It Because They Won’t… Or Because They’re Not Being Allowed To? * Heather E. Heying writes: Hotness-amplifying femininity puts on a full display, advertising fertility and urgent sexuality. It invites male attention by, … Continue reading

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Constantin von Hoffmeister On National Futurism (7-15-18)

Who was Faust? LINK: Robert Stark, co-host Pilleater, and Rabbit talk to Constantin von Hoffmeister. He is an advocate of National Futurism and blogs at Oge Noct Topics: Constantin’s National Futurist Manifesto How Futusim captures the Faustian Promethean nature of … Continue reading

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