Category Archives: Alt Right

Facebook: The World’s Censor

00:00 Big Tech vs free speech 25:00 Big Banks vs free speech 30:00 Patreon vs free speech 42:00 Mike Bloomberg prepared to spend at least $100 million on a 2020 campaign for president if he decides to run 44:00 The … Continue reading

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Who’s Right On IQ: Sailer Or Taleb?

00:00 Steve Sailer vs Nicholas Taleb on IQ 28:00 Ruth Bader Ginsburg 44:00 Two children die in border patrol custody 1:00:00 Ron Unz & Mexicans 1:17:00 How does Steven Pinker avoid getting in trouble? 1:19:00 Muslim cleric says wishing Christians … Continue reading

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Why are so many female teachers having sex with juvenile students?

* Teacher who had sex with student should get off easy because he wanted it: lawyers Twitter * REVEALED: ANTIFA LEADER RELIED ON ANONYMITY TO PUSH RADICAL, VIOLENT COMMUNIST AGENDA * Will the World See Canada the Same in 2019? … Continue reading

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Sam Francis on the Roots of Liberal Hegemony

F. Roger Devlin writes: His magnum opus finally sees the light. Samuel T. Francis, Leviathan and Its Enemies: Mass Organization and Managerial Power in Twentieth-Century America, Washington Summit Publishers, 2016, 791 pp., $48.00 (hardcover) American Renaissance’s audience has been both … Continue reading

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Parasha Vayechi (Gen. 47:28-50:26)

Listen here and related: Here and here. This week’s Torah portion concludes the Book of Genesis: “The parashah tells of Jacob’s request for burial in Canaan, Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob’s blessing of his sons, Jacob’s … Continue reading

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