Category Archives: Alt Right

The Return Of The Mouth-Breathers

Such devastating eloquence from Matthew Continetti! Ricky Vaugn tweets: “William Kristol’s son-in-law has an article in Commentary today lamenting that in the internet age there is no Buckley to purge heretics.” From Commentary Magazine: The nasty mouth-breathers Buckley expelled from … Continue reading

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Conservatives Vs Alt-Right

Comments at Breitbart: * How to become an “establishment” Republican in twelve easy steps: 1. Go to Washington with good intentions. 2. Instead of working for your constituents, start looking for easy corporate money. 3. Accept generous contributions from the … Continue reading

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Breitbart “News” Finally Goes All-in on White Supremacism

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs writes: Of course it’s Milo Yiannopoulos (with his crony Allum Bokhari) who finally takes Breitbart “News” all the way over the line into overt white supremacism, with a lengthy, utterly disgusting article singing the … Continue reading

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Reactions To Breitbart’s Alt-Right Essay

Comments: * John Podhoretz: Of all the things to carry Andrew’s name, a piece respectful of Nazi scum is the worst. SHONDEH, Larry Solov. SHONDEH. * RosieGray: Breitbart fully embracing the white nationalist alt-right movement. * If you’re mystified by … Continue reading

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Ben Shapiro: Responding To The Alt Right: Are They Bigots, Or Just Stupid Children?

My sense is that the Alt-Right is neither. It is largely white people who think like Jews when it comes to their own people. They are goyim discovering that they have group interests which often clash with the interests of … Continue reading

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