Category Archives: Alt Right

Jews & The West

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The problem is that Jews are 33% of the 500 richest men in the world, but white goyim are not supposed to notice that fact, let alone talk about it, let alone wonder if something … Continue reading

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Who Is The Alt Right?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Cathy Young’s hatchet job can be compared to the one in Commentary magazine; they are both reactions to an article that sought a fair appraisal of the alt.right on If you actually only read … Continue reading

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David Klinghoffer: Evolution and the Alt-Right

David Klinghoffer writes: I prefer understanding to demonizing. Darwinian “conservatives” operate with a particular picture in mind of what a human being is — a very different picture from the one posited by the Judeo-Christian tradition on which conservatism has … Continue reading

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You Can’t Whitewash The Alt-Right’s Bigotry

Cathy Young writes: Who’d have thought that in 2016, we would be discussing whether mainstream Republicans and conservatives should be nicer to white nationalists? Yet here we are. The debate is, of course, about the “alternative right,” suddenly propelled into … Continue reading

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The Trump-Loving ‘Alt-Right’ Turns to Guns to Piss People Off

These journos could never match brains or wits with the Alt Right, so they always resort to slurs. Alex Yabon writes: The punditry’s dissection of the origins of the Donald Trump juggernaut has lately been joined by exhaustive analysis of … Continue reading

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