Category Archives: Alt Right

Cathy Young’s Sloppy Point ‘n Sputter Alt Right Attack In THE FEDERALIST

John Derbyshire writes: So here is journalist Cathy Young [Email her] who writes commentary from a position somewhere in the borderlands where libertarianism meets neoconservatism. Her response to Yiannopoulos and Bokhari went up on the Federalist website this last Thursday. … Continue reading

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Cathy Young: The Alt-Right: They’re creepy and they’re kooky, and not in the cute Addams Family way

Is throwing slurs such as “creepy” and “kooky” supposed to be an honorable form of argument? There are only two honorable forms of argument — disputing facts and logic. Most women are not cut out for such disputation. Most men … Continue reading

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First They Ignore You…

Richard Spencer tweets: First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fundraise off you. Then they beg you for mercy…

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How Does The World Work?

These ruminations were inspired by a recent David Klinghoffer blog post. I assume that you accept evolution. (With Dennis Prager, I believe that God created evolution.) I notice that the more I use evolution to explain the world, the less … Continue reading

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The Intellectual Origins Of The Alt-Right

Roman Dmowski writes: The 9/11 attacks found only two groups with a coherent explanation and proposed strategy: paleoconservatives, who suggested a limited punitive campaign coupled with immigration restriction, and the neoconservatives, who supported an ambitious and “idealist” campaign deliberately designed … Continue reading

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