Category Archives: Alt Right

Taylor Swift Is An Alt-Right Pop Icon

Milo writes: That’s probably the closest I’ll ever come to writing a BuzzFeed headline. But it’s true! Taylor Swift does have a sizeable and very vocal fan club within the alternative right. At first glance, there’s nothing much that separates … Continue reading

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Jack Hunter: Anatomy Of A Cuckening

Milo writes: Former Rand Paul staffer Jack Hunter ran a lengthy piece in the Daily Beast this week, criticizing me for co-authoring an explainer on the alt-right that wasn’t, as every other journalist’s attempt to chronicle the movement has been, … Continue reading

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Is The Alt-Right For Real?

If you really want to know, mock it publicly under you real name and see what happens to you. Benjamin Wallace writes: You could ask some of the same questions about the alt-right, the loosely assembled far-right movement that exists … Continue reading

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Why The Alt-Right Is Kicking Ass And Taking Names

From the Chateau: One reason (among many) the alt-right is burrowing into the softcore ids of shitlibs and cuckservatives and laying realtalk larvae that will chew its way out through their stunted amygdalas is that the alt-right is an amorphous, … Continue reading

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Meet Milo Yiannopoulos, the Appealing Young Face of the Racist Alt-Right

Jack Hunter writes: Milo Yiannopoulos is a beast. The 32-year-old, boastfully gay Breitbart writer—or “dangerous faggot”—has quickly become a hero to young conservatives and libertarians for smacking down the ridiculous out-of-control “social justice warriors” who troll college campuses. If Donald … Continue reading

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