Category Archives: Alt Right

Inside A White Nationalist Conference Energized By Trump’s Rise

The MSM seem miffed that they can no longer police the discourse and those they wish to destroy for their heretical views are now fighting back and winning. From Buzzfeed: Most years, the American Renaissance conference is an obscure event … Continue reading

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Alt Right Safe Space in Berkeley

Anatoly Karlin writes: On May 6, Richard Spencer and the Bay Area Alt Right organized a “safe space” for Europeans at Sproul Plaza, U.C. Berkeley. Although I do not strictly consider myself Alt Right (or NRx), I do support about … Continue reading

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Conservatives Vs Alt Right

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Taylor Swift Is Not a Nazi

Some people are easy to troll. Rachel Shukert writes: Among other stupid and hateful proclamations, a popular white supremacist blogger said Taylor Swift is an ‘Aryan Goddess’ who is ‘secretly a Nazi’ Have you ever looked at Taylor Swift’s Instagram—her … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Alt-right’ white supremacists have chosen Taylor Swift as their ‘Aryan goddess’ icon, through no fault of her own

Washington Post: Taylor Swift is not a white supremacist. She doesn’t identify as a neo-Nazi, and there is no evidence to suggest that, behind closed doors, she might. That hasn’t stopped some white supremacists from the “alt-right,” a fringe group … Continue reading

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