Category Archives: Alt Right

Disgusted With The Alt-Right

Goy Philosopher tells me: Looking at some things on the ‘alt right’ lately I’m pretty disgusted. That site ‘The Right Stuff’, for example. An author saying that Jewish facial features are the result of ‘mixing with subhuman filth’, and essentially … Continue reading

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The Mask Comes Off: The Alt-Right Is Racist to Its Core

From PJ Media: These commenters all share some specific views — views that are diametrically opposed to traditional conservatism. Firs, they look at people as part of “a tribe,” a word they actually use rather frequently. There is the “white … Continue reading

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Tyler Cowen: ‘The most significant neo-reaction thinker today probably is Steve Sailer’

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It’s absolutely nutty. No disrespect intended, Steve – you have been fighting a lonely and important fight for a very, very long time. You were the only “raycisss” I ever read when I was a … Continue reading

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What is neo-reaction?

Tyler Cowan writes: Here is a list of propositions, noting that these are an intellectualized summary of a somewhat imagined collective doctrine, and certainly not a statement of my own views: 1. “Culturism” is in general correct, namely that some … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Is Evil and Must Be Opposed

Walter Hudson, a black guy, writes: The ascendancy of Donald Trump has dragged the amorphous “alt-right” from the shadows of internet obscurity to coalesce as a legitimate political force. What is the alt-right? That depends upon whom you ask. The … Continue reading

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