Category Archives: Alt Right

Top 10 signs your kid is #AltRight

LINK: 4. They refer to you as a “cuck” when you put on FOX News. 5. They refuse to do their chores because it is the current year. 6. They’ve carved ancient Nordic symbols into their wrists that “normiefags like … Continue reading

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Cathy Young: The Unbearable Dumbness of Being Alt-Right

Cathy Young writes: An even more salient point, however, is that Western culture is essentially a mongrel culture. To sing plaudits to Western culture while singing the virtues of unmolested ethnic homogeneity is a bit like holding a charity dinner … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Here is the Alt-Right’s “big tent”, or “consensus”, as summarized by paworldandtimes. I numbered them for convenience. 1) Blacks. They require assistance in achieving and maintaining a level of civic and material comfort on par … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right’s Time In The Sun

From Wired: It’s been a heckuva day for the trolls. In just one day, the so-called “alt right”—a political faction that spreads white supremacist ideology primarily online—has come to dominate the national news cycle. Today, they’ve had a hashtag, #AltRightMeans, … Continue reading

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Joshua Seidel & The Alt-Right

A Jewish friend says: “I agree that Jews can’t be a part of White Nationalism (unless they have white parents) but they can certainly be alt-right influenced.” Another Jewish friend says: “I am beyond such concerns. Time to think of … Continue reading

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