Category Archives: Nazi

The Nazis

“Every man loves to watch documentaries about the Nazis,” says a friend in Australia. “If there’s one on the tele, I can’t help watching it. I’m fascinated. Appalled but fascinated.” Chaim Amalek writes: “I would prefer to watch documentaries about … Continue reading

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Haaretz’s ‘Nazi problem’

From YNET: COLOGNE – Controversial deal: The decision to sell 25 percent of Haaretz Group’s shares to newspaper and book publisher DuMont Schauberg last week has come under scrutiny as a result of the German publisher’s ties with the Nazi … Continue reading

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Member of Jewish Avengers Unit To Receive Award

They weren’t singling out Nazis, they were going after Germans after WWII was over. Hardly worthy of a medal. Jewish Press: They were 60 Jews altogether, who arrived in Germany after the war with the ultimate purpose of carrying out … Continue reading

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LAT: Jack Yufe dies at 82; he was raised Jewish, his identical twin as a Nazi

One of the great tools for healing from trauma is to realize that if situations and circumstances had been reversed, you likely would have been the perpetrator. LATIMES: It sounded like a tabloid headline: Identical twins separated after birth. One … Continue reading

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The Origins Of ‘Nazi’

From Wikipedia: The term “Nazi” was in use before the rise of the NSDAP as a colloquial and derogatory word for a backwards peasant, characterizing an awkward and clumsy person. It derived from Ignaz, being a shortened version of Ignatius, … Continue reading

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