Category Archives: Jewish Federation

Jewish Philanthropy Devasted By Bernie Madoff

From the Jerusalem Post: At least $600 million in Jewish charitable funds have been wiped out by the collapse of Bernard Madoff’s Wall Street investment firm, a partial review by The Jerusalem Post revealed Monday. Yet much is still hidden … Continue reading

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Jewish Federation Statement Regarding Alleged Fraud by Bernard Madoff Investment Securities LLC

From the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles: LOS ANGELES, Ca. (December 15, 2008)—The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles has been advised by The Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles that it, together with a number of other major philanthropic … Continue reading

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The Jewish Community Foundation Of Los Angeles Victimized By Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme

Bernard Madoff has taken many charities for a ride, including the Jewish Federation in Los Angeles. Cathy Siegel Weiss and Marvin I. Schotland write Dec. 13 to their  Jewish Community Foundation [Los Angeles] board of trustees: It has come to … Continue reading

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Jewish Federation Of LA Board Chair Stanley P. Gold Bores Beth Jacob

Stanley Gold spoke at Beth Jacob Shabbos morning. He’s a lousy public speaker and left the crowd sleepy. Gold said before taking the position at the Federation, he asked his wife and kids if he should take the job. They … Continue reading

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Jewish Federation Reaches Out To Young Hollywood

Rebecca Spence writes for the Forward: ‘SCRUBS’ BUDS: Actor Zach Braff (center) is flanked (from left to right) by Scott Orlin, Ilanna Bavli, Amanda Kogan, Beth Lemberger and Aaron Kogan — members of the Entertainment Industry Leadership Initiative. Los Angeles … Continue reading

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