Category Archives: Literature

Does Jonathan Franzen Belong On The Alt-Right?

Comments at the Chateau: * Houellebecq, along with Tom Wolfe, are the greatest novelists of our age and, not coincidentally, they are also alt-right, neodark, reactoshivvian crimethinkers and sexual market surveyors of unparalleled keen perception. The Left’s causes are exhausted, … Continue reading

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The Big Chill For My Generation

I had a horrible time reading Hugh Taylor’s novel Mandala. I hated all the characters because they reminded me too much of myself. Did you see the movie Greenberg? It made me uncomfortable. But this novel made me want to … Continue reading

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An Angel At My Table

I just watched this 1990 movie by Jane Campion about New Zealand novelist Janet Frame, who spent 8 yrs of her 20s in a loony bin mis-diagnosed with schizophrenia. Stories about mental illness make me uncomfortable. They strike too close … Continue reading

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Tom Wolfe’s New Novel Comes Out Oct. 23

Back to Blood gets this description on “As a police launch speeds across Miami’s Biscayne Bay-with officer Nestor Camacho on board-Tom Wolfe is off and running. Into the feverous landscape of the city, he introduces the Cuban mayor, the … Continue reading

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The New Nobel Prize In Literature

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager reads a poem from the new Nobel Prize winner, Swedish poet, Tomas Tranströmer. Dennis also read a poem of his creation over a commercial break and a poem from his producer Allen Estrin … Continue reading

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