Category Archives: Literature

When novels still mattered (4-17-21)

Bellow: A Biography by James Atlas: Where Do Journalists Come From? The American Novel Made Us

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The Power Of Flannery O’Connor

Frederick Crews writes: O’Connor had no cause to disprize university writing programs, for she herself, despite the marked individuality of her work, was the first prominent American author to have been significantly shaped by one. Scholars who examine her early … Continue reading

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Bellow: A Biography

James Atlas writes in 2000: * A sickly child, afflicted with respiratory ailments, he was his mother’s favorite; she treated him like an invalid. * It was in temperament that Bellow diverged from the family line. He was the designated … Continue reading

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Harold Robbins: The Man Who Invented Sex

Here are some excerpts from this 2008 book: * “I realized it was because he did not care if he used the same adjective three times in three consecutive sentences. When you read one of his books, you realize what … Continue reading

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Kazuo Ishiguro Sees What the Future Is Doing to Us

From the New York Times: * As a man is, so he writes, and Ishiguro’s sentences have nothing to prove. In the hands of some of his contemporaries — Martin Amis, say, or Salman Rushdie — the novel can sometimes … Continue reading

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