Category Archives: Israel

Cooper: World’s silent acquiescence of Palestinian Jew-hatred is helping to destroy any chance for peace

Rabbi Abraham Cooper writes: At a graduation ceremony of a kindergarten, sponsored by a women’s charity organization in the West Bank town of Anabta, preschoolers wearing uniforms and carrying toy guns performed a song routine. A picture of PLO founder, … Continue reading

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Israeli Soldiers expel 200 Palestinians from pool to allow settlers to bathe

Jewish settlers in this story understandably do not want to swim with Palestinians. There are Torah laws against bathing with Gentiles (Kahane proposed making it illegal in Israel for Jews to do this). Why is it so hard to understand … Continue reading

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Should We Criminalize Criticism Of Jews & The Jewish State?

There’s nothing evil about Arabs and Muslims and other groups trying to replace the Jewish state of Israel with a state more to their liking. No country or people have a right to exist. As Michael Scheuer wrote: “This writer … Continue reading

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I Don’t Notice Israel Taking In A Lot Of Boat People

How come it is a big deal when Russia does hasbara but not when Israel does it? Comments to Steve Sailer: * The sad part was getting my vaguely not exactly entirely pro-Israel comments deleted multiple times from Instapundit multiple … Continue reading

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Goyim Prank Jews With OpenBordersForIsrael Campaign

Every major Jewish organization supports immigration amnesty aka open borders for America. Yet these Jewish organizations support the opposite policies for Israel — keep out all illegal aliens and ship those that get through the nasty fence back to Africa. … Continue reading

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